St. Christopher is participating in an Open House this Saturday, Nov. 2 from 10:00 – 2:00. The Open House is sponsored by the businesses located at 313 Dividend Dr. We will be grilling up hot dogs and hamburgers. A bounce house will be going on for the kids. Plan to stop by & have lunch with us.
We thank God for our rich fall harvest... worshiping with our own chantors and choir as opposed to importing a chantor 16 years ago when we had no choir or chantors, offering a memorial and remembering the beloved parents of our parishioners, passing the torch to our present generation of the bravery of the Greeks standing up to Fascism during WW2 (Oxi Day), learning about our faith in Religious Education classes for our youth and adults, witnessing the progress of our parish family through our colorful and informative monthly newsletter, and enjoying fellowship at our unique monthly “Let’s EAT!” Gathering at Broadway Diner. Our parish welcomes everyone into our midst... with 16 years passing since our founding, we thank God for our new families, our active families, and the “children of our children” visiting us for the first time. Glory to God for His blessings these past 16 years; we pray for many more anniversaries to share together with you. These events are illustrated in the photos taken on Sunday, October 27, 2019. In reflecting about our 16th anniversary, I call to mind how God's Holy Spirit has been guiding us for 16+ years, supported by our collective prayers and presence. Your active participation ensures our St. Christopher Parish Family is both unique and growing. Without your help, we offer God less than He deserves from us. Although it may seem like we are just a handful of men, women and children, if we commit ourselves to serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we will experience the miracle of growth as the Holy Spirit brings others into His service to help us build His new church in the Peachtree City, Georgia area for the glory of God!
On the 16th anniversary of our parish’s founding, our Philoptochos pulled together parishioners to fulfill orders for our Fall Pastry Sale. Having exceeded making our target of 200 dozen Spanakopites two weeks ago, in just five hours our talented members made just shy of 200 dozen Tiropites... ensuring we have more than enough for our patrons. All proceeds of our fundraiser pastry sale will benefit our local, Metropolis, and Archdiocese charities. Thanks to parishioners who assisted.
Glory to God and Thanksgiving to Him always for the countless blessings our Saint Christopher parish family has received since its founding on this day 16 years ago. During his sermon, Fr. George noted that 1/2 of those present (8 persons) helped establish our parish. 1/2 more (or 8) have joined us since then. Each of our 16 represent one year of our outreach ministry. Indeed, as we witness the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our efforts are bearing harvest... a sign that God has multiplied our efforts. For those who have fallen asleep since our founding, we pray for their eternal memory. For those who have moved due to family and jobs, we send our warmest greetings. To those who are part of us (including those unable to join us today), we thank you for your ongoing commitment and service to God.
With the excitement for online ordering of Philoptochos Bake Sales underway, our orders are coming in strong. Our first battalion of co-workers just prepared the special spinach and cheese mixture for the rolling of spanakopites this Saturday. With a goal of 250 dozen in anticipated sales, our prep team realized rolling will be a two-day task! To accommodate this demand, we just scheduled a full second day of rolling tomorrow, Friday, October 11th, eginning at 9:00 a.m.